Sunday 22 January 2012

Spammer + competition update

So, there's currently a user named ITALIANMAFIA2 who has been spamming everyone's guestbooks saying she is going to hack them, and has claimed to have hacked poor Vivian, who did actually get hacked but not by this girl.
If you get a guestbook comment from this girl, or from someone like her (or maybe him..) who is spamming guestbooks, don't be afraid. They can't harm you unless you give them your pass, or they are someone you have given your pass to in the past. Just ignore & report them.

Also, an update on the 50 followers comp:
We currently have 24 followers. Just 28 more, and the winner will be announced! Remember, the winner will be the most active commenter/follower, who participates in as much as possible on this blog.


  1. OMG this girl is so annoying she keeps doing it to me and calling me names it's soooooo annoying I <3 ur blog btw!! :D

  2. I love your blog! And i don't know much about this girl so thanks for telling me :) and are you looking for writers???

  3. 0H MY ! i just went to search her and it says that no1 is called that.!
