Sunday 3 June 2012

Mint Chocolate Make-up

Hello My Sweeties!
Sorry i havent been on for so long -.-' i've been sooooo busy!Well anyway im just going straight to the tutorial=]

What you'll need : Dot Fresh Lime Shadow - 6 sd
                            LUXE natural brown eyeshadow - 22 sd
                            Dot Shadow eyeshadow- 6 sd
                            Dot Black eye khol- 6 sd
Your choice       : Dot black eyeliner & White

1st . Okay Now add your additional things first , I decided to include all the things , Now firstly we add on the Dot black eye khol.
2nd . Add the fresh lime colour up to your brow.

3rd.  Add the black dot eyeshadow and make sure that it does not go up to your brow.

4th. Cover the black with the brown LUXE to give it more colour and sparkle

FINISHED! :D  Now all you need to do is add accesories =] i hope you enjoyed this tutorial and tune in for next time!

XOX Viviann

Wednesday 9 May 2012

Harry Styles!

Harry Styles doll has been released for EVERYONE. Thankyou so much Stardoll! All we need now is the other 4 - Zayn Malik, Louis Tomlinson, Niall Horan & Liam Payne!

You like? I DO.

Wednesday 2 May 2012

Naya Rivera

I don't usually post doll releases, but Naya Rivera (widely known as Santana Lopez from Glee, my favourite TV show) has just been released. She plays my favourite character on Glee & her voice is absolutely amazing.

Do you know who she is? Have you seen her in action? <3 x

Wednesday 25 April 2012

May Hotbuys are here!

Hotbuys for May 2012.
Do you like any of them? Are you going to buy any of them?

I personally only like the Hotbuys Stripe Heels. And maybe the Batman Necklace :P x

Tuesday 24 April 2012

Which lipstick is right for you?

So, usually I come across dolls wearing some odd-coloured lipstick, like fluro green, bright yellow or even white. Unless it's part of a costume, it always looks odd and stands out like a sore thumb. So, which colours should you wear?
There are so many different types of reds, pinks, browns and light whites/neutral peaches that go with almost anything and everything. I myself always use a neutral colour no matter what outfit.

A trend right now is red lipstick - but you have to wear it with the right makeup, not too overdone or underdone. What make-up should you use? Well, the safest choice is smokey eyes - it's easy to do and it matches just right with reds. You should also, if you have it, add a Luxe lipgloss/free Maybelline lipgloss over the top, so you can outline your lips and give it that extra style. As you can see to the right, the lipgloss helps make it so it doesn't look overdone. I would suggest only adding a light blush, if any, because the bright red blush will be just a bit too over-the-top.

Something else that is trending right now is the brown lipstick. Now, it also goes with smokey eyes, and just about every colour. Wearing it with yellows and greens is probably your best bet, but it also looks good with blended colours. Your worst choice, would probably be pinks & purples like on the left - it may look okay to some but, depending on the outfit, there's just something slightly odd about the way it looks.. in my opinion, anyway.

So, I hope this helps you to find the right lipstick for your outfit, make-up & medoll! (:

Free & 'exclusive' dress

If you upgrade to Superstar, there is a free dress you can get.

The message says:

Buy a Superstar membership or top up your account and you will get this exclusive one shoulder dress, delivered to your suite directly after purchase.

Because we love fashion!

So, you can get it when you add more Stardollars as well. Good, bad or indifferent?

Saturday 14 April 2012

One Direction infection perfection!

So, I recently bought something from a very amazing and talented designer, hamsterhammy25.
She is making One Direction designs! Now I, like many other girls my age, am a hardcore Directioner - especially for Zayn Malik ... *blush*.

This is the actual One Direction (be prepared for some Eye Candy, girls!)...
In order, left to right: Harry Edward Styles, Zayn Javaad Malik, Liam James Payne, Louis William Tomlinson, Niall James Horan <3

Now, hamsterhammy25's suite (as you can see) is FULL of amazing designs!

I rated her 5/5, and am supporting her by buying her designs, I can't get enough of them!
What do you think?
-Alex. x

Thursday 12 April 2012

A little something for Dani-pie❤

Dear Readers ,

This is a little tribute to a good friend of mine. Dani. aka Stella_xox14

She's been trying hard to win Best Album.
On her Presentation she says ;

"My Dream is to win best album............"

As you can tell she really wants to have a chance :] So let me show you her album!

Front Page xD

She's still working on it but i think its worth the wait but i will update you when it does :] 
What do you think? Is it worth 5/5? Cause i think it does! So please vote 5/5 and hope you enjoy the amazing album!

Love ya Dani xD 
xx Vivian

Sunday 8 April 2012

Katniss Inspired Outfit and Makeup

Hey bunnies xD

Remember how i told you that I was going to do a Katniss inspired outfit? Yeah? Well im doing it now!

Katniss has hardly any makeup and its like very natural.
Her outfit engulfs her in flames when she twirls around [Its safe of course!]
I watched the movie and fell in love! Teehee i read the books aswell!
I dont really need to show you how to put on make up just add some light pink lipstick and add some false lashes :]

Now for the outfit :

I promise if you look for this dress [the complete one in the picture] thats because its layered.
These are the things you need ;

Btw you'll need 2 red dresses from basics.

Put on the Red dress from Piviera and then fit the two dresses underneath until it is sorta matching with the picture of my medoll.

Be creative maybe you could design some flames with SD Jewellery!


Budding trend: Chunky Scarves

My doll
DKNY scarf
So, there are lots of very popular trends going around, but the one I'm going to show you today is Chunky Scarves. Types like the DKNY scarf here are seen all over Stardoll, giving everyone's outfit that extra oomph! My doll is currently wearing this DKNY scarf underneath a jacket, a fur vest and on top of a dress, and because it's worn all around your neck, it makes your doll look warm and cosy inside your screen! It goes good underneath any matching jackets, vests, and goes well on top of tops with a turtleneck or ruffles. You can wear it with a variety of dresses, and depending on the colour (black & white are the most versatile) it goes with a range of colours and patterns!
What's your opinion on them? Do you ever wear them? Do you like them?

An old tale brought back...

Today, I'm going to show you how to do some make-up, based on the old legend of Medusa.
You don't have to use the exact make-up I used, you can use similar colours, but I'll list what I used anyway, if you want to be sure. (:

    -Luxe Lipgloss
    -Greener Pastures Eye Dust
    -Caramel Eye Dust
    -Russet Orange Eye Dust
    -Greener Pastures Glitter Lipstick
    -Space Green Glitter Lipstick
    -Tumbleweed Teal Hair Colour
    -Dusk's Kiss Mascara (lengthening)

TOTAL COST: 116sd.

Using the Luxe Space Green lipstick, put it on all over your lips. It can even be messy with gaps if you want, it doesn't have to be perfect. Just make sure there's not too many gaps, or it won't work at all. Depending on what mouth you use, the lips might not work. For this tutorial you need your doll's lips closed, or very lightly smiling (like the first Superstar mouth).

Apply the Greener Pastures lipstick over the top, along the bottom lip and in the middle of the top lip. This could be tricky, but the trick is to only apply a thin line, and not move around too much with the lipstick, just apply a straight line if this is too hard for you.

Put the Lipgloss on.
Put the Greener Pastures Eye Dust along the edge of your doll's eye, it doesn't really matter how thick or dark it is, as long as you don't go too far off the eye's edge.

 Using the Luxe Caramel Eye Dust, apply just above the green. Apply along the entire eyelid. Make sure you don't make it too dark.. well, I suppose it doesn't really matter, actually.
 STEP 5:
Apply the Luxe Russet Orange Eye Dust to the outer edge, blending it with the other 2 colours. You can add more of the other 2 to help it blend if you wish. You can also add the mascara now.
Using any accessories you want (you don't have to copy mine - be unique!) Make a crown, or horns, or even snakes like the Medusa has. Whatever you want. And, you're done!

Did you like this tutorial? What's your feedback for me? (:

Rainbow streaks , J-hutch & Hunger Games

Hello my sunshine!
Well well Happy Easter!
Heres an update of whats going on with me ;

1- I created a rainbow streaks tutorial that i will reveal soon :] check it out :

2-  Im in LOVE with Josh Hutcherson... lol I already told Lexi and in case you don't know who he is you might of see one of his movies like The bridge of Terabithia , Howl's Moving Castle , The Polar Express , Hunger Games, Journey to the centre of the Earth , Journey 2 ; Mysterious Island & much more :)
Lexi's reaction when i told her i loved JHutch ;

3 - Happy Hunger Games! And may the odds be ever in your favour!
I happily announce that i might be doing a Katniss tutorial but its VERY nutural so heres a glimpse of what Katniss looks like

Its not very clear but when i give you the girl on fire tutorial you will be stunned :D 

I might do a Effie Trinket one too.
Take care xx Vivian

Friday 6 April 2012

LE Decor

The time of spending all your hard-earned money on some not-so-good things is here, Superstars!

There's also some 'exclusive' furniture for Facebook users, who paid real money for some facebook credits...

Like? Hate? Yes/no? Bought some? Affordable?

Thursday 5 April 2012

Kate Winslet

Now, I don't usually post about new dolls, but Kate Winslet was recently added.
She stars in one of my favourite movies of all time, which just came out in 3D today - Titanic.

In the movie, she has red hair (which I personally think suited her). She stars with Leonardo DiCaprio (in the movie, I think he's very hot). Titanic is not just about the boat that was a tragic accident, but about the love of Rose DeWitt Bukater (Kate) and Jack Dawson (Leo). I cry everytime I watch it, it's such an amazing movie. If you haven't seen it yet, I suggest you do so!

6th Stardoll Year!

Happy Birthday to you , Happy Birthday to you! Happy birthday dear............ STARDOLL!
Happy birthday to you!!!

Hey everyone today is the 5th of April and it also is Stardolls 6TH BIRTHDAY!
To celebrate their giving out free furniture!
Now it doesn't look that bad but here it is ;
I snagged it up before it goes and you better do the same!

Stay tuned!
xX Vivian

Saturday 31 March 2012


Omg Sooooooo SORRY!
[For being away for so long]

 So a special treat for your is a make up tutorial for spring!

I guess that stardoll is already prepared beause i found a very pastel collection of Dot so i guess its spring because you know its all very light and colourful, Im a big fan of pastel colours so this collection is great for me.

Achived look ;
                                                                                                  You will need for this tutorial ;
All the make up is from Dot the spring collection.

1. This is a very simple tutorial . You firstly apply the Rosy Dawn Shadow up to your browline.
2. Now apple the Fresh Lime Eyeliner JUST on the bottom of your eyes and extend to the side.
3. Add false lashes.
4. [Optional] Add a special flower in your hair and a lipstick or gloss of your choice.

Special Tip.
 To make this tutorial special and orginal with your own touch you could minimize flowers like roses and others that define your style and also you could design a flower with moles. Here is a idea ;

As you can see I flipped the rose headwear upside down and placed it near the eye.
Hope you enjoyed this tutorial.
xX Vivian

Friday 30 March 2012

Starplaza updated + new feature!

There's been a change in Starplaza.. 2 actually. First off, the background has changed (as you will see in the picture below).
Second, there's a new feature.. wishlist!

Unfortunately, you can't add something to your wishlist from Search or Starbazaar, you have to go to the actual store and find it.
I still like the idea though (:
What about you? Your thoughts!

I have a make-up tutorial coming soon.. today or tomorrow :)

New Miss Sixty

There is new Miss Sixty! I quite like this collection, I've added an item to my wishlist. (Don't know what that is? Read the post above!).

Like? Love? Hate?

Wednesday 28 March 2012

Starplaza news!

There's a lot of news from Starplaza today, so I'm going to bundle it all into one big post.
Hotbuys skull necklace now in Starplaza, the last Hotbuys for March. It's in Glam'R'Us for 10sd.

Stardoll has a new feature - Makeup Removal! I am so glad they finally invented something like this, it will come so handy!

New DOT: Spring collection. Unfortunately, only Superstars or non-superstars with Stardollars can buy these.

New Sunny Bunny now in Starplaza! Sorry I haven't been taking previews of the stores, but, if you want you can always look for yourself. (:

And last but not least, Sunny Bunny Kloz is closing down! There is a 25% off sale in the store now.

What do you think? Do you like anything in this post? Bought anything from some of these stores?