Thursday, 5 January 2012

Watch out for: hackers

So many people want to be superstar, if they aren't already, yes? And if they are, they want lots and lots of Stardollars.
This is what feeds hackers.
People often trick you into giving them your account, or send chainmail that you are told to spam around Stardoll.
If you get a message like this one in your guestbook, messages or chat, I strongly advise you to ignore it and report it. It is always a hacker, it never works. Other things to look out for are people saying they can make you 'Stardoll Staff' - if you look in the help section of Stardoll, they will tell you who the staff are, and they will warn you nobody else is part of the staff. So, if someone says that to you, report it. One more thing to make sure of, is if someone says to you they can make you superstar, you will notice a lot of the time, they themselves aren't a superstar. If they are superstar, it doesn't make them any more trustworthy.
So, keep your account safe, and watch out for these people!

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